The Lazaret and the Religieuses hospitalières

The Children of Lazarus (Les enfants de Lazare)


Referring to their work, The Children of Lazarus, the authors confided to us: « We didn’t start by writing a book.  We first asked the question: Who were those Canadians who became victims of leprosy? »
Their story is the fictitious voice of Marguerite Robichaud who relates the events. Born in Tracadie in 1813, a short time before the appearance of the symptoms of the disease on Ursule Benoit, she was but twenty five years old and the mother of two children when she noticed that she carried the disastrous signs of the disease.  She lived as a leper for sixty years.  She tells how she and others reacted when they had to leave their families and live in isolation, despised by strangers, feared by friends.  
- Authors: Mary Jane Losier and Céline Pinet (Translated: Jacques Picotte)
- Published: 1984
- Editor: Éditions d'Acadie / Les éditions de la francophonie
- ISBN 2-921824-05-6-X
- Availability: Sold at the Museum

The Tracadie Lazaret  (Le Lazaret de Tracadie) - Father Lajat

  Image du livre Le Lazaret de Tracadie du Père Lajat The goal of this book was to inform the public of the work accomplished by the Religieuses Hospitalières de Saint-Joseph at the lazaret in Tracadie for more than sixty years.  Reverent Father Dom Félix-M. Lajat painted a global picture of the Tracadie lazaret and the contribution of the Religieuses Hospitalières de Saint-Joseph community while relying on primary sources.
- Author: Révérend Père Dom Félix-M. Lajat
- Published: 1938
- Availability: Out of stock

The Religieuses hospitalières de St-Joseph and their Work in Acadia (Les Religieuses hospitalières de St-Joseph et leur œuvre en Acadie)

  Image du livre Les hospitalières de Saint-Joseph et leur oeuvre en Acadie The work of the Religieuses Hospitalières de Saint-Joseph in Acadia deserved to be better known by the public.  Reverent Mother Marthe Laplante, provincial superior in New Brunswick, assigned the task to Reverent Father Antoine Bernard from the Clerics of Saint-Viateur since he was a master in the art of writing Acadian history. Acadia is indebted to this distinguished historian for his work that combined the appeal of the form and the abundance and certainty of the material.   None other than the author of Survivance Acadienne (Acadian Survival) could write the history of the Hospitalières de Saint-Joseph in Acadia by tying it to the origins of this Institution in France and in Montreal.  
- Author: Antoine Bernard
- Published: 1958
- Availability: Sold at the Museum

Unclean!Unclean! Impur!Impur!

  Image du livre Impure! Impure The Tracadie Lazaret (Lazaret de Tracadie)
For the majority of the citizens of New Brunswick, segregation was the only way to counter the leprosy problem.  That was the goal of the lazarets on Sheldrake Island and in Tracadie.  Instead of addressing the needs of the lepers, the lazarets were to serve as dumping grounds for deformed people rejected by society. 
- Author: Laurie C.C. Stanley
- Published: 1982
- Editor: Éditions de l'Acadie
- Availability: Out of stock (on Abe books)


For Hope and Dignity for the Lepers in Tracadie (Pour l’espoir et la dignité des lépreux à Tracadie)

  Amanda Viger Spiritual Healer

A skilled pharmacist known as the nun doctor, Amanda Viger, also known as Sister St-Jean-de-Goto, tried various remedies in the hope of curing leprosy, but to no avail.  Mary Jane related in detail about the life of Amanda Viger and reveals the beginning of the work of the Hospitalières de St-Joseph with the lepers, orphans, students at the Académie Sainte-Famille, as well as the patients at Hôtel-Dieu of Tracadie.
- Author: Mary Jane Losier (translated by: Bertille Beaulieu)
- Published: 1999
- Editor: Les éditions de la francophonie
- ISBN: 2-9230-35-1
- Availability: Out of stock


Charles-Marie Labillois – The Forgotten Doctor 1793-1868 (Charles-Marie Labillois - Le médecin oublié)

  Image du livre sur Carles-Marie Labillois From 1816 to1868, a surgeon doctor of French origin took on the heavy responsibility, on a permanent basis, most of the time alone, of taking care and curing his fellow countrymen from Gaspé, as well as the Acadians from northern New Brunswick.  We have to admit today that he was a remarkable person who had several exceptional encounters with history. During his lifetime, he was known to be both notorious and famous.  He was even at the center of a scandal that brought down the medical society’s wrath upon him.  Then, he sank, little by little into oblivion, so much so that he remains unrecognized in his homeland of adoption, the Gaspé Peninsula.

That strange and mysterious fate, made up of shadows and light, glory and indifference, reverence and contempt, has a name that needs to be pulled out for ever of the silence of history: Charles-Marie Labillois
- Author: Réginald Day
- Published: 1995
- Editor: Les éditions du Septentrion
- ISBN: 2-89448-023-7
- Availability: Out of stock


Sr Dorina Frigault

  Image du livre Sr Dorina Frigault When our big sister is like our guardian angel and that she is everyone’s «sister», it invariably makes the relationship between brothers and sisters quite special.   That is the type of relationship that Jean-Guy Frigault experienced with his big sister, Sister Dorina Frigault, who spent her life at the service of others.  This book tells, of course, about a piece of life that the author shared with his sister as a devoted nun but it also even more calls to mind the great power of devotion, love and sharing. 
- Author: Jean-Guy Frigault
- Published:  2009
- Editor : Les éditions de la francophonie
- ISBN: 978-2-89627-187-0
- Availability: On sale at the Museum


The Lepers’ Angel  (L'ange des lépreux - Mère Saint-Albert)- 1894-1975

  Image du livre L'Ange des lépreux - Mère Saint Albert Here is a biography of an exceptional woman from Caraquet, New Brunswick, who was called upon to put her gifts and skills in helping the poor and the sick not only in North America but also in far away South America.  Through this book, we discover a true hospitalière de St-Joseph and according to her own expression, a  «stubborn Acadian» fighting for good and justice, a strong woman whose legacy remains quite alive even today.
- Author: Sr Corinne LaPlante, r.h.s.j.
- Published: 2000
- Editor: La Plume d'Oie
- ISBN : 978-2-89590-156-3
- Availability: Sold at the Museum

A Spirited Woman, Cécile Reneault, r.h.s.j. (Une femme libre, Cécile Reneault, r.h.s.j.)

  Image du livre une femme libre, Cécile Renault Scenes from A Free Woman, Cécile Reneault.  Cécile, God allows you, with the rising sun, to still walk on the beaches of the world to carry like an angel the heavy load of the poor.  

- Author: Sr Corinne Laplante, r.h.s.j.
- Published: June 1999
- Availability: Out of stock

The life story of a leper

  Image du Livre - The life story or a leper

Lèpre et lazarets au Nouveau-Brunswick/Leprosy and lazarettos in New Brunswick - Biblographie selective/Selective bibliography

  livre lepre lazaret NB g

Although this bibliography is not exhaustive, it does provide the main references on the subject “ lepers and lazarettos in New Brunswick ”. This disease brought suffering, shame and dishonour within the families. Also, it is a memorandum about the heroic nums who for a century took care of the lepers without being infected by leprosy.

This bibliography aims to facilitate research on a tragic period in this region of New Brunswick, where 327 persons were affected by Hansen’s disease.

- Autor: Agnez Hall
 Published : 2015
- Editor : Les Éditions de la Francophonie
- ISBN 978-2-89627-399-7
- Availability : Sold at the museum


History of Tracadie (Histoire de Tracadie)

Tracadie deux siècles de particularisme

  Image du livre, Tracadie, deux siècles de Particularisme  This monograph is divided in two parts.  The first covers the history of Tracadie from its origins until 1867 and the second, from Confederation to now.

- Authors: Debra Kerry, Roy Bourgeois et Maurice Basque
- Published: 1984
- ISBN: 0-9691739-0-3
- Availability: Sold at the museum

L'Académie Sainte-Famille de Tracadie (1912-2012)

 image du livre L'Académie Ste-Famille de Tracadie L’Académie Sainte-Famille, maison d’éducation fondée en 1912 par les Religieuses Hospitalières de Saint-Joseph, est témoin de la volonté d’une communauté religieuse ainsi que de toute une population de garder vivant le souvenir des générations qui se sont succédées pour y parfaire leur culture francophone, artistique et humaine.
- Authors: Florence Ott, Nicolas Landry
- Published : 2012
- Editor : Éditions d'Acadie / Les éditions de la francophonie
- ISBN 978-2-89627-313-3
- Availability : Sold at the museum

For the Glory of God and the Parish (Pour la gloire de Dieu et de la paroisse)

  Image du livre Pour la gloire de dieu et de la paroisse  History of the churches of the parish of Saint-Jean-Baptiste and Saint-Joseph of Tracadie
This book traces back the religious heritage of the parish of Saint-Jean Baptiste and Saint-Joseph of Tracadie, relating the construction of various parish churches in this community.  As its title indicates, this short work examines the religious and temporal contexts which influenced the construction of Roman Catholic churches in Acadia, while at the same time, giving life to those women and men who built those temples.
- Authors: Maurice Basque et Nicole Barrieau
- Published: 2000
- Editor: Les Éditions Faye
- ISBN: 2-921824-19-1

History of the Parish of Tracadie (Historique de la paroisse de Tracadie)

Image du livret, historique de la paroisse de Tracadie  Scenes from the booklet: History of the Parish of Tracadie.    Monograph of the parish of Tracadie, from its establishment until the mid 1900’s.

- Author: l'abbé Edmond Ouellet
- Published : 1946
- Availability :  Out of stock

Parish of Notre-Dame-de-La-Salette of Sheila, Already 50 years -1946-1996  (Paroisse Notre-Dame-de-La-Salette de Sheila, déjà 50 ans - 1946-1996)

  Image du livre Paroisse notre dame de la salette de Sheila, déja 50 ans Scenes from the book: Parish of Notre-Dame-de-La-Salette of Sheila, Already 50 years.   It was written to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the parish Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette of Sheila to pay tribute to its founders.

- Author: Livain Sonier
- Published: 1996
- ISBN: 2-9804235-1-3
- Availability: Sold at the Museum


Bones to Ashes (Terreur à Tracadie) by Kathy Reichs

 Livre Terreur a Tracadie de Kathy Reichs  Bones to Ashes is the 10th novel by the best-seller author, Kathy Reichs. This last book, Terreur à Tracadie, is a translation of the English version Bones to Ashes. As with her other novels, Terreur à Tracadie describes the adventures and challenges of Dr Temperence Brennan as she tries to solve enigmas.  This time, Temperence finds herself with the skeleton of a teenage girl that raises a lot of questions and leads her on voyage to Acadia and her childhood. In the meantime, Ryan investigates the disappearance of a number of adolescent girls and the discovery of non-identified corpses that lead them as well to New Brunswick. Is it possible that there is a link with Temperance’s childhood friends?
- Author: Kathy Reichs
- Type: Thriller
- Published: 2008
- Editor: Robert Laffont
- ISBN: 9782221111277
- Availability: In bookstores

Barnabé, We Beg Your Pardon! from André Landry


I’m leaving you all. One day, once I’m healed, I’ll come back and erect with my husband Jean-Baptiste a monument on the north side of the new church facing Sheldrake Island, a monument topped by the cross remembering the Déportation in Grand-Pré, where the living will read your names inlayed in bronze and stone. It will recall to the people’s memory that you existed and that your mortal remains, lost on Sheldrake Island, await the Resurrection. And from your respective ciel, you’ll protect us from Evil that strews this Valley of tears. Souls who have suffered so much cannot be elsewhere then in the presence of God our Father.

André Landry has taught in Lévis in the Province of Québec, and in Campbellton and Tracadie in New Brunswick. When he retired in 1993, he developed an interest in the local history of the Acadian Peninsula, particularly at the time of the lepers’ odyssey in Caraquet, Grand-Anse, Tracadie, and Néguac. Barnabé, We Beg Your Pardon! is the story of a ten year old boy who died of leprosy on Sheldrake Island.

- Published : 2017
- Editor:  Les éditions de la francophonie
- ISBN 978-2-89627-473-4
- Availability : Sold at the museum

La bottine de Rivière-des-Caches,  from author : Victor Robichaud

  livre Barnabe pardon g

Nearly a century has passed since the darkest hours of the deportation. Calm has returned to the fertile lands surrounding the bay of the Miramichi River. Numerous Acadian families settled there in the hopes of prospering peacefully. On the shores of Rivière-des-Caches, Marie-Rose Robichaud leads a happy life surrounded by her family and neighbours, with whom she shares the simple joys of childhood. Ignorant of the horrible plague that has been spreading in Acadie for several years, the young girl writes in her journal about her love of nature and for young Stanislas. However, one December night in 1843, the axe falls: Marie-Rose has contracted leprosy. The formidable illness brings fear, shame, and suffering with it, and Marie-Rose’s life gets upended. Sent into exile on Becs-Scies Island, the young Acadian watches her happiness fly away and begins her long descent to rock bottom. Marie-Rose will have nothing but the unwavering hope of seeing her loved ones again to bravely confront her destiny.

Author: Victor Robichaud
Illustrated by: Gabrielle Morrisseau

- Genre: Jeunesse adolescent
- Pages: 160
- Date de parution: 28 novembre 2023
- Editor:  Bouton d'or Acadie
- ISBN (Paper): 9782897503666
- ISBN (PDF): 9782897503673
- ISBN (ePub): 9782897503680


CD – film

The Tears of the Lazaretto (Les larmes du Lazaret)

 Image du couvertur du DVD, Les larmes du lazaret
Documentary on the lepers’ house in Tracadie,New Brunswick, The Tears of the Lazaret, presents the obscure, but troubling story, of a place where lepers were treated from 1849 to 1966.- Type: Documentary / Fiction
- Year of production: 2004
- Original version: French
- Length: 49 min
- Color and black/white
- Film-maker: Christien LeBlanc
- Scriptwriter: Christien LeBlanc, Raynald Basque 
- Producer : Colette Mallais, Jacques Gervais Levesque


  Image du couvertur du DVD, Les larmes du lazaret

New edition: 2012
Documentary: French and English subtitles
Length: 30 minutes.